Scrollbar Customizer

Live status

All hosted projects within Kybo have a section on our status page, including the option of maintenance periods and updates. History of the status can be toggled.

All hosted projects within Kybo have a section on our status page, including the option of maintenance periods and updates. History of the status can be toggled.

All hosted projects within Kybo have a section on our status page, including the option of maintenance periods and updates. History of the status can be toggled.

100.000% uptime

100.000% uptime

Acme Modmail

Acme Modmail






  • 24/7 Uptime

  • Status page slot

  • Personal usage






  • 24/7 Uptime

  • Status page slot

  • Personal usage

  • Ticket log dashboard


We'll work with you to create a specific API endpoint for your product.


  • 24/7 Uptime

  • Status page slot

  • Kybo subdomain

*All code is screened for any malicious technologies and may be denied or removed at any time. Functionality must comply with all terms from all platforms.

*All code is screened for any malicious technologies and may be denied or removed at any time. Functionality must comply with all terms from all platforms.